- Upload image to the media library (see above instructions)... select 'image' not media path
- In T4 go to section: "News" → "Archive" → (select month matching publish date)
- Click "Add Content" and choose template: NewsAt-2017-Story
- Filename Convention: "Friday-Issue-Date_top-story_description_initials" (ex: 9-18-15_top-story_lucas-event_AB)
- Fill in all required fields (all field names have an "i" next to them - you can hover over this icon for more information)
- Headline for URL(this will be the last part in the story URL - in most cases it will match the headline - it should be all lowercase, no punctuation, words separated by hyphen)
- Homepage Feature (required if the story is the feature for that week - please send the image to the digital marketing contact listed in the current week's summary email from Jen S.)
- Audience (creates a link at the bottom of the story next to 'tags' - links to the T4 section with other like stories)
- Vimeo Embed - /wiki/spaces/DM/pages/31293851
- Flickr Embed - Please send to the digital marketing contact listed in the current week's summary email from Jen S.
- Additional Events (if you have a need for more than 2 events - please contact Digital Marketing with event information)
- SEO title, description and keywords (these items will not be visible on the story page but are picked up by and visible in the search engines)
- Personalized Story Removal Date (this is the date you no longer want the story to appear under that audience tag)
- Update and Approve
- In T4 go to section: "News" → "Tags" → (select audience section with the highest priority)
- Click "Add Content" and choose template: NewsAt-2017-Story
- Filename Convention: "Friday-Issue-Date_audience_description_initials" (ex: 9-18-15_alumni_lucas-event_AB)
- Fill in all required fields (all field names have an "i" next to them - you can hover over this icon for more information)
- Headline for URL(this will be the last part in the story URL - in most cases it will match the headline - it should be all lowercase, no punctuation, words separated by hyphen)
- Audience (must be selected for all audiences you want it to appear for - it is pulled in under 'stories just for you' in the right column of the homepage)
- Vimeo Embed - /wiki/spaces/DM/pages/31293851
- Flickr Embed - Please send to the digital marketing contact listed in the current week's summary email from Jen S.
- Additional Events (if you have a need for more than 2 events - please contact Digital Marketing with event information)
- SEO title, description and keywords (these items will not be visible on the story page but are picked up by and visible in the search engines)
- Personalized Story Removal Date (this is the date you no longer want the story to appear under that audience tag)
- Update and Approve