In person or over Zoom - Counseling & Psychological Services (C&PS) is here for you. Appointments are free and confidential.
Our office hours are 8:30 am - 4:30 pm weekdays during the academic year. We are located in the Wellness Center at the Jogues Hall drop-off circle.
Same day appointments are available for students who are in crisis or who have more urgent needs.
Note |
For emergency situations please contact Public Safety at 203-254-4090 or 911. |
How to Schedule
Scheduling an appointment with a counselor is easy. You can call, e-mail, or stop in the office. Phone messages and email are monitored during office hours. We look forward to hearing from you.
Please Note: As of January 2023, appointments can no longer be scheduled online. C&PS has transitioned to phone, email, or in-person scheduling only.
Additional Appointment Information
All appointments must be made by the person seeking counseling.
You can schedule a consultation with a mental health clinician to discuss concerns you may have about another person.
Appointments are conducted in person or over Zoom (student's choice).
Appointments are typically 30-50 minutes long.
Scheduling a series of appointments is not permitted. A follow up appointment may be scheduled after the completion of the current session.
To view a list of our counselors, please click here.
To see a map of where we are located, please click here.