

Q: I’m a Faculty/Staff Member, why can’t I see the space I’m looking to reserve?
A: All Faculty/Staff members have access to the template “Faculty/Staff Room Request”.  This template contains the majority of spaces that one would need for every day reservations.  However, there are some spaces that are only able to be reserved by specific departments.  People in those departments should have extra templates that allow them access.  If you think you should have access to a space you aren’t seeing please submit a ticket to have your account looked at.
There are also a few spaces that require special permission to reserve, please check the list here to see if the space you are looking for listed and who you should reach out to.

Q: Are there certain spaces that require special approvals?
A: Yes, please check here to see if you need to reach out to a certain department to reserve the space you’d like.

Q: I have a reoccurring event that I need to book.  Can I put that reservation in at the same time?
A: Yes, please check out this tutorial here on how to do that.

Q: I’ve logged in but when I click “Create a Reservation” or “My Home” there’s nothing there.
A: It might be your first time here.  All new users are given an account, but that account needs to be activated.  Click here to activate your account.

Q: I’m a student.  What rooms can I reserve?
A: All students have access to the template “Student Group Study Room Reservations”.  This template allows access to several study rooms across campus.  Make sure to check the “About” next to the template for rules on booking.


Services (Catering and Media)
Q: I don’t need catering or media for my event, but after I select my room it brings me to services.
A: You don’t need to fill out that page.  When you get to the services page, just click next step without filling out anything and move on to the Reservation Details page.

Q: I would like to add catering to someone else’s event.  Can I do this?
A: The best way to do this would be for the person who put in the reservation to add you as a delegate on their account.  When they do this you can then go in, and view their reservations and add services.  Here is a tutorial which shows you how to do this.

Q: I can’t add Catering or Media to my reservation, why is that?
A: If your event is less than 10 business days away, you will be unable to use the system to add services to your reservation.   We recommend you add services at the time you reserve your space.

Q: Can I change my catering or media order after I submit it?
A: Yes, you can as long as you are more than 10 business days out from your event.  Here is a tutorial which shows you how to do this.  It is recommended that you reach out to Catering or Media to confirm you are able to make the changes you’d like.

Reservation Details
Q: The group I’m looking to book for isn’t showing up on the drop down.
A: Take a look at this tutorial on how to select groups.

Q: Does my event require a Setup/Work Order?
A: If you are having Catering, any special setup of chairs, staging, or anything like that you will need a Setup/Work Order.  If you are not sure, contact the office of Conference & Events Management and they will help guide you.

Q: When I fill in my Org Number it is saying “No matching items found”.
A: Continue to put in the Org Number you have, and the system will attach that to your reservation.


Vehicles and Buses
Can I reserve a university vehicle?
A: If you are Faculty/Staff yes you can! Here is a tutorial on how to do that.  After you go through the tutorial make sure to click the “about” button next to the “Request a Vehicle – (University Van/Car)” in EMS for additional info.

Q: Can I reserve a Bus for my groups trip?
A: If you are a university Staff Member or Faculty member you can.  Here is a tutorial on how to do that. After you go through the tutorial make sure to click the “about” button next to the “Request a Bus” in EMS for additional info.

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