Cascade Training Guide

Cascade Training Guide

*If you do not feel comfortable making edits in the new layout, please contact your Integrated Marketing Manager (find out who is yours). 

ADA Compliance & Accessibility

To stay up to date with ADA legal compliance, all Cascade page updates will be approved through Digital Marketing. Prior to approval, each page will be scanned using Cascade's built-in WCAG compliance tool. There will be a 2 day SLA for content approvals via Digital.

Resource links:



** Cascade Training Video **

Please be sure to watch and/or follow along with the Cascade CMS Training video!

Navigating to a Page within Cascade

The Cascade CMS can be accessed offline or on campus; there is no need to be VPN'd in to make edits within Cascade. fairfield.edu/cascade

Navigating to a page in Cascade is easy and intuitive. Once you log into Cascade, you will be greeted with your dashboard. The dashboard widgets can be customized and moved around to your preference, but this is the general layout.

Clicking on the Go to a Site button in the top, left-hand corner of the dashboard will present you with a fly-out navigation menu. (Click that button if you haven't already!)

Once the flyout is displayed (below screenshot), an entry for "Main Site" will show up. Main Site is the main environment for the www.fairfield.edu website! Click that entry to continue.

Entering the Main Site will present you with a series of folders in a split-screen visualization of the CMS, which consists of a structural hierarchy of folders on the left, and a navigational, top-level view of the folders on the right. You can either navigate through the drop-down hierarchical structure on the left, or you can click through the folder structure on the right (similar to clicking through a structure on a desktop or laptop).

Making Edits (via "Default")
Once you navigate to the page you want to make edits to, you'll see a rendering of it in Cascade. You can either make edits to the page via the "Edit" button in the top, right-hand corner of the page, or you can hover over the main content section—which will display a "DEFAULT Edit Content" tooltip. DEFAULT is an internal Digital naming convention, but it equates to the body content of a page.

Content Layout

Edits can be made via the Edit button in the top, right-hand corner, or via the "DEFAULT" tooltip. Digital recommends making edits via "DEFAULT", as Cascade will load the content faster in comparison to editing via the "Edit" button at the top.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Going forward you should only be making text edits; you do not need to make edits to any of the other content types. Ignore any Content Type that isn't "General Text".

Making a Text Edit
Once you've opened the editor via one of the methods mentioned above, a content lightbox will show up over the page render. Everything is in the format of dropdowns, which can be expanded. However, only text edits can be made—ignore any "Content" dropdowns that aren't titled "General Text".

Making Edits in DEFAULT

Depending on which section you want to make edits to, you may have to scroll through the content. Regardless, expand the appropriate "General Text" dropdown in order to make edits


IMPORTANT NOTE: Digital requests that any and all text edits that are copy/pasted from a Word document be pasted without formatting. This action can be performed in numerous ways:

  1. Clicking "Edit" in the top of the content box, and toggling the "Paste as text" option on (this will result in a toggle success notification that reads "Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off.")
  2. Mac Users — Command + Option + Shift + V (⇧V)
  3. Windows Users — Ctrl + Shift + V

Once you have entered your text edit(s) and are all finished, click the "Preview Draft" button in the top, right-hand corner of the content lightbox.

This will show you a draft of how your edits will appear in a rendering of the page—that way you can see your edits implemented on the page before you submit them for approval. Please review your edits to ensure they appear as intended on the page before clicking "Submit". Once you are satisfied with the edits, you can click "Submit" and "Check Content & Submit". Checking your content will bring up another content lightbox, this time with a spell- and link-checker. Please be sure to review any and all misspellings that appear to make sure no spelling errors were copy/pasted in error. Once the checkmark in the top, right-hand corner loads and becomes actionable, click it to push the edits through the first round of the workflow (hovering over the check mark will display a tooltip that reads "Finish").

Submitting Your Edits

Be sure to double-check the Spelling screen (below) to make sure no spelling errors were entered. Otherwise, you can continue through and submit the workflow via the blue checkmark button in the top-right corner.


If edits are time sensitive (meaning they need to be submitted prior to an email going out, for accreditation review, and the like), you can adjust the "Due Date". Comments can also be made, if absolutely necessary, via the "" text area. You do not need to worry about the "Version Comments" text area. You can also leave everything as-is and continue on to the next screen via the "Start Workflow" button in the top, right-hand corner.

Once you push the workflow through, a confirmation screen will be displayed. Starting the workflow kicks off your edits to your respective IMM.

Congratulations! You have successfully made your first edit in Cascade.

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