Tuition Benefit

Tuition Benefit

Important information regarding your tax liability on graduate tuition remission:

  • The value of employee graduate tuition remission benefits above the current IRS exemption limit of $5,250 per tax year and the entire value of spousal graduate tuition remission is taxable to you.

  • The Internal Revenue Code requires that taxable graduate tuition remission be added to an employee’s taxable wages as Box 1 W2 income in the year in which it was incurred, thus taxes must be withheld from the employee’s pay within the calendar year.

  • Payroll will email you if you have taxable tuition remission being applied to your pay.

  • If you have not heard from Payroll regarding tuition above $5,250 for employees and all tuition for spouses please contact them as soon as possible to account for your taxable tuition.

For more information on the taxability of graduate tuition, refer to IRS Publication 15B and the Internal Revenue Code §127:  https://www.irs.gov/publications/p15b#en_US_2023_publink1000193667

To apply for tuition remission or grant-in-aid, please click on the appropriate link below prior to registering for classes each semester. Please note that we cannot retroactively approve tuition benefit forms for classes taken in previous calendar years.

Female Dependent Child Tuition Benefit:

Eligible employees with female, legal dependents who attend a single-sex, private high school, are eligible for up to $5,000/year non-taxable, tuition reimbursement. Documentation showing proof of payment by the eligible employee is required for reimbursement.

Graduate Tuition Remission Tax Exemption Request Form:


For tuition benefit questions, please email TuitionBenefit@fairfield.edu

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