Noticeable differences between Outlook and M365 Outlook
This is the look of Outlook currently on most users. (users who were not upgraded to M365 apps earlier)
Below is the look of M365 Outlook:
The most obvious changes are highlighted in red.
What the Outlook startup window will look like. Notice it shows Microsoft 365.
What you will see –
You may get a blue box stating you can try the new Outlook Look and feel.
YOU DO NOT NEED TO TRY THE NEW OUTLOOK (see end of this document for a quick look at the new Outlook look and feel)
New Look Outlook Client: Office applications available on left menu
To change from focused messages in New Outlook view, you will need to go to view > View Settings and select Layout. Change Focused inbox to Dont sort my messages
You can pin your microsoft M365 Office applications in the toolbar all the way to the left of the Outlook window for easy access.
Excel has now been added to your outlook tool bar (you can do this for each of the apps you use)
OWA: Looks very similar to New Outlook Client - You can add applications to the tool bar the same as the local Outlook client on your system.
If you want the new look, you can toggle the slide on.
New outlook signing you in takes a few minutes to update and open.
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