DocFinity User Guide for Searching/Viewing
If you would like to download a copy of these instructions, select the three dots in the top right corner of this page and select Export to PDF.
DocFinity can be accessed through the portal. NetID credentials are required to login to the system.
Login Window Details
- Username = Your NetID
- Password = Your NetID password
- Consent page = Opens to DocFinity Workspaces home page
Your Workspace
The workspace can be customized to display panels of data and documents. Select the Panels tab and then the panels to display when you login. With only search and view access, you will likely want to see the Search, Results, and Document Viewer panels.
The panels can be minimized, removed, and resized. You can resize the panels by hovering over the lines between each panel and moving them left/right or up/down.
Saving Your Workspace
Select the Workspace tab in the top left, then select Save Workspace As. In the Save Workspace As window that appears, select Add Custom from the drop down menu and enter a custom name. The homepage will default to this saved workspace after each login. It can be changed at any time.
After documents have been scanned and indexed, they can be searched for the document(s).
- Select Workspace > Searching to open the Search panel.
- Enter data in the fields to narrow the search. Documents can be searched for by document type and title or any of the other available fields in the Search menu.
- The Search Results panel will display all documents that met the search criteria. The columns can be sorted and rearranged by selecting the column headers.
- Double click on a document to view it in the Document Viewer panel. Use the controls at the bottom of the Document Viewer panel to zoom in and out and scroll from page to page.
Exporting Document Title List
- Select Workspaces > Searching and perform a search as outlined above.
- From the Search Results panel, select Export to Spreadsheet
- Select Panels>My Desktop.
- Select Export Queue in the My Desktop panel to view the status of the export.
- Processing or ready for download will be displayed in the status column. When the file is ready for download, a link to the file will appears in the File(s) to download column. All requests and the date the file will expire will appear in this view.
- Select the file link to open and review the list of documents. Select OK in the window that appears to open the file in Excel and format it as needed.
DocFinity Interface Basics
The interfaces across DocFinity share similar features as described below. The size of workspaces can be changed using the browser's zoom controls.
List Page Controls | Displayed when a list of items is too long to display on a single page. Click the navigation controls to display the other pages in the list. | |
Help | Click to open online help for the pop-up window. | |
Panel Menu | Click to open an options menu on panels. | |
Close | Closes the panel or window. | |
Minimize | Minimize the panel to a simple menu bar. | |
Restore | Restore the panel to normal size. | |
Full Screen | Maximize the panel to full screen. | |
Open in New Window | Will move the Viewer to a new window. | |
Checkbox | Selects / de-selects the adjacent item. When the checkbox is in the header of a list of item, clicking the checkbox selects / de-selects all the items in the list. Use shift-click to select multiple checkboxes. | |
Filter | If a list column header items is preceded by this symbol, the list can be filtered by selected items in that column. Click to open the Filter options. Filtering displays any list entry that contains the entered characters. | |
Filter Applied | Indicates the column is filtered. Click to open the Filter options. | |
Resizable Panels | Click and drag to resize panels. | |
Collapse/Expand Panel | Click to collapse or expand a panel. | |
Adjustable Column Widths | Most table columns can be resized. Hold the cursor over the header column divider until the resizing cursor appears, and then click and drag the divider to adjust it. | |
Collapse/Expand | Collapse or expand the menu item to hide or show additional information / selections. | |
Sortable Columns | Most tables can be sorted by column. Sort the items in a list by the selected column, either in descending or ascending order. |
The Navigation Bar provides access to different menus for all DocFinity functions. Only menu items that you have access to will appear in the Navigation Bar.
Access preset workspaces, which are sets of panels related to a particular job function.
Searching | Load the Searching workspace. By default, the workspace contains the Search and Search Results panels. |
Save Workspace As | Save the current panel layout. Opens a window to select the workspace to save the layout as: Searching, Job Assignments, Indexing, or as a custom-named workspace. Opens Save Workspace As. |
Delete Custom Workspace | Delete a custom workspace. Opens Delete Custom Workspace. |
Reset to Default Workspaces | Reset the workspace to its default display. You are prompted to confirm. |
Display or hide individual panels. A checkmark indicates the panel is open.
Document Information | Display or hide the Document Information panel. |
Document Viewer | Display or hide the Document Viewer panel. |
Forms | Display or hide the Forms panel. |
Index | Display or hide the Index panel. |
Search | Display or hide the Search panel. |
Search Results | Display or hide the Search Results panel. |
Close All Panels | Close all open panels. |
Access DocFinity help information.
Help | Open DocFinity Help documentation in a separate browser window. |
Hot Key Reference | Display the Hot Key Reference. |
About | Display the About window, which contains version and licensing information. Click the About window to close it. |
User Menu
Select the
icon to access the user Menu to change preferences or logout of DocFinity.Preferences | Edit your application preferences. Options include General, Document View, Indexing, and Search Results. |
General | Set personal preferences for the level of instructional text displayed on panels and windows throughout DocFinity. Opens General Preferences. |
Document View | Set personal options for viewing documents throughout DocFinity. Opens Document View Preferences. |
Search Results | Set personal Search Result options. Opens Search Results Preferences. |
Logout | End the current session and log out the current user. Returns the browser to the DocFinity Login window. Logging out saves your current workspace. The next time you log in, the saved workspace will open automatically. |
Contact the ITS Help Desk in the Library Room 230 or at (203) 254-4069 for assistance.