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Setting Up Outlook 2011 to Connect to an Mail Account

With the introduction of Outlook 2011 for Mac and Fairfield’s Exchange 2010 mail server, Macintosh users with mail accounts can now access their email with the same program at home that they do on campus. The  The following procedure describes the simple steps to setting up an Outlook profile from any location with Internet access.

  1. Launch the Outlook program that can be found in your Applications/Microsoft Office 2011 folder. Open Outlook 2011

    1. If you’ve never launched the program before, you will see an introductory splash screen

    1. to Add an

    Add Account button on the bottom left-hand side of the window. Click this button.


    1. Account, click Exchange.

    2. If you have already launched Outlook

    (to set up a Gmail account, for instance)
    1. , you will see a different start screen

    . Clicking the button to the left of the Exchange Account label will have the same effect.


    1. , click Exchange.

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2.     In the window that appears below, enter the following information:

Make sure the Configure automatically box is checked.


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3.    Click the Add Account button and wait for your configuration to complete (this could take up to a minute or two). When the setup is complete, you’ll be at the Accounts window

, which you can close by clicking the red circle in the upper left-hand corner.



Please wait till the Email Account has a Green light next to it. This will indicate that the account has been connected successfully.

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  1. (tick) You are now ready to start using Outlook
  2. 2011.
  3. 2011 (tick)