Versions Compared


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Create an Assignment (Paper, Video Projects, etc.)


When you create an assignment, a gradebook item is created automatically.


  1. Open the Settings Panel to set the assignment parameters:

    1. Details and Information

      1. Due Date (recommended)

      2. Prohibit Late Submissions (not recommended)

      3. Prohibit New Attempts after Due Date (attempts that were started before the due date can still be returned to and submitted)

      4. Allow Class Conversations (enables a feature where students can share questions or comments about the assignment without leaving the assignment page)

      5. Collect submissions offline (creates a grade book column but prevents students from submitting on Blackboard)

    2. Formative Tools

      1. Formative Assessment

      2. Display formative label to students

    3. Grading and Submissions

      1. Grade Category (Default is Assignment)

      2. Attempts Allowed

      3. Grade Using Points, Percentage, Letter Grades, or Complete/Incomplete

      4. Maximum Points

      5. Anonymous Grading (optional)

      6. Evaluation Options (for peer review or team-taught courses)

      7. Assessment Grade - Post assessment grades automatically. If disabled, you will need to post student grades after saving them before students will be able to see your grade and feedback.

    4. Additional Tools

      1. Time Limit.

      2. Use grading rubric. Rubrics can be created in Blackboard and attached to an assignment. For more information, Rubrics in Ultra Course View.

      3. Assigned Groups. Change the assignment from individual to a group assignment.

      4. Originality Report. Enabled SafeAssign. 

      5. Use SafeAssign to check for plagiarism. Note: For assignments with multiple attempts it is highly recommended to check Exclude submissions from the Institutional and Global References Databases

  2. When ready, select Save to save your assignment settings.

  3. Finally, set the availability. By default, all new content is hidden from students. You can select the dropdown to change to visible to students or set release conditions such as a specific date and time. We do not suggest enabling “Hide After” as this will also hide the grade book column and prevent students from submitting late even if they have a time limit accommodation.

  4. Once all you have finished, close the assignment.


Tests and Quizzes


Watch a video on building a test and reviewing test settings.

Topics covered include:

  • Accommodations

  • Create a Test from Scratch

  • Test Settings & Test Security

  • Release Conditions & Test Exceptions



Tests and Quizzes


In Blackboard Ultra, you can now add accommodations for students using the Course Roster and the accommodations are automatically applied to all assessments. Accommodations can include adjusting time limits, exempting students from time limits, and exempting students from due dates.


  1. Open your Blackboard course

  2. Select the plus sign where you want to add an assignment. You can also expand or create a folder or learning module and add an assignment within that element.

  3. Choose Create

  4. Under Assessment, select Test

  5. Enter the Name of the Test

  6. Select the plus sign to add details to the assignment:

    1. Add Text to enter instructions for the assignment

    2. Add Questions to create new questions or select from an existing Question Pool


      Question Types in Ultra have been consolidated into a shorter list of options, but the functionality is the same as Original. Learn more about Ultra Question Types.

    3. Auto-Generate Questions to use Blackboard’s AI Design Assistant to generate assessment questions.

      1. Adjust the parameters and select the questions you want to add to your assignment and discard those that don't fit your needs. Edit the questions as needed to refine their clarity, accuracy, and relevance to your specific course context.

    4. Add a local file or Add File from Cloud Storage to upload any attachments related to the test.

  7. Open the Settings Panel to set the assignment parameters:

    1. Details and Information

      1. Due Date (recommended time 11:59PM on due date)

      2. Prohibit Late Submissions (not recommended)

      3. Prohibit New Attempts after Due Date (attempts that were started before the due date can still be returned to and submitted)

      4. Allow Class Conversations (enables a feature where students can share questions or comments about the assignment without leaving the assignment page)

      5. Collect submissions offline (disables student’s ability to submit online)

    2. Presentation Options

      1. Display One Question at a Time

      2. Prohibit Backtracking (this option becomes available if one question at a time is selected)

      3. Randomize Questions

      4. Randomize Answers

      5. Randomize Pages (this option becomes available is if Page Breaks were added to the exam)

    3. Grading and Submissions

      1. Grade Category (Default is Test)

      2. Attempts Allowed (Default is 1)

      3. Grade Using Points, Percentage, or Letter Grades (this is how the grades will display to students)

      4. Maximum Points

      5. Anonymous Grading (optional)

      6. Evaluation Options (for peer review or team-taught courses)

      7. Assessment Grade - Post assessment grades automatically. If disabled, students will not see their grades until you choose to post them.

    4. Assessment Results

      1. Customize what results students are able to see and when these results will become available to them.

    5. Assessment Security

      1. Access Code (not recommended)

      2. Respondus Lockdown Browser Dashboard

        1. Do NOT check “Lock students into Respondus Lockdown Browser until they submit.” If you do use this, set a password to allow students to exit.

    6. Additional Tools

      1. Time Limit

      2. Use grading rubric. Rubrics can be created in Blackboard and attached to any assessment. For more information, Rubrics in Ultra Course View.

      3. Assigned Groups. Change the assignment from individual to a group assignment.

      4. Originality Report - Enabled SafeAssign. 

        1. Use SafeAssign to check for plagiarism. Note: For assessments with multiple attempts it is highly recommended to check Exclude submissions from the Institutional and Global References Databases

  8. Finally, set the availability. By default, all new content is hidden from students. You can select the dropdown to change to visible to students or set release conditions such as a specific date.
    We do not suggest enabling “Hide After” as this will also hide the grade book column and prevent students from submitting late even if they have a time limit accommodation.

  9. Once all you have finished, close the exam.


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Generate Question Banks from Course Content:
