HIV Self Testing (Home Testing)

Student Health Center

HIV Self Testing (Home Testing)

HIV Self-Testing

What is an HIV self-test?

An HIV self-test (or rapid self-test) is an antibody test that can be used at home or in a private location. With an HIV self-test, you can get your test results within 20 minutes.


How do I find an HIV self-test?

You can buy an HIV self-test at a pharmacy or online. Your local health department or another organization near you may offer free or reduced cost self-tests, which you can find using the locator below. The only FDA-approved HIV self-test currently available in the United States is an oral fluid test.

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Note: State laws regarding self-testing vary and may limit availability. Check with a health care provider or local health department for additional HIV testing options.

How do I use an HIV self-test?

Read the instructions included in the test kit before you start.

  • icon of someone taking an HIV self-test

    For an HIV self-test, you must swab your gums to collect an oral fluid sample and then test your sample.

  • Your results will be ready within 20 minutes.

  • If you don’t follow the directions as described, the test may not work. There is a phone number included with the HIV self-test if you need help using the test.

You should always interpret HIV self-test results according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Learn more about what a negative or positive test result means.

If the HIV self-test is invalid, then the test did not work. You will need to use another HIV self-test, use a mail-in HIV test, or find testing at a health care provider or testing center.


What is a mail-in HIV test?

A mail-in HIV test is an antigen/antibody test that includes supplies to collect a small sample of blood from a finger stick. You or your health care provider can order the test online and send the sample to a lab for testing. If your provider orders the test, they will contact you with the test results.

Mail-in HIV tests are not approved by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration. However, under the Clinical Laboratory and Improvement Amendments of 1988, labs that offer this service are required to establish and verify the test’s accuracy.


How do I find a mail-in HIV test?

You can order a mail-in HIV test online. Your health care provider can also order a mail-in HIV test for you.


How do I use a mail-in HIV test?

Read the instructions included in the test kit before you start.

  • icon of a mail-in HIV test

    For a mail-in HIV test, you must prick your finger and collect a very small sample of blood.

  • You or your health care provider will mail the sample to a lab for testing.

  • If your health care provider orders the test, they will contact you when your test results are ready.

You should always follow the manufacturer’s instructions to make sure you collect a good sample. Learn more about what a negative or positive test result means.


Will my insurance cover an HIV self-test or mail-in test?

HIV self-tests and mail-in HIV tests may be covered by insurance. Be sure to check with your insurance company and health care provider about reimbursement for tests that you purchase.

Low Resolution Video

HIV Testing Topics

Getting Tested

Types of HIV Tests

HIV Window Period

Find an HIV Test

HIV Self-Testing

Understanding a Negative Result

Understanding a Positive Result

Sharing Your Test Result

Download HIV Testing Materials

Other Resources

HIV Risk Reduction Tool

Get tailored information about your risk and learn how to protect yourself.

Let's Stop HIV Together

Download resources from the Let’s Stop HIV Together campaign.

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Last Reviewed: February 7, 2024

Source: Division of HIV Prevention, National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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