Website Prefixes

About Fairfield
about - About Fairfield
adm - Administration
cities - Cities Area of Focus (2014)
latinf - Latin America area of focus (2010)
con - Consumer Information core - Core
gc - Global Citizenship (2012)
ir - Institutional Research
jes - Jesuit
pres - President
fin - Finance and Administration
tac - Trustees Advisory Council

aca - Academics
base - BASE camp
copy - Copyright
comm - Commencement
cul - Culpeper Language Resource Center
fb - Fulbright
hon - Honors
prest - Prestigious Fellowships & Scholarships
pt - Part Time studies
reg - Registrar
research - Research
schols - Summer Scholars camp
sum - Summer
tt - Technology Transfer
aca_ps - Prestigious Scholarships

admis - admission
csa - Continuing Studies Admission
csfa - Continuing Studies Financial Aid
fa - Undergraduate Financial Aid
uga - Undergraduate Admission

adv - Advancement
af - Annual Fund
dmc - Division of Marketing and Communications
give - Giving
pf - Parents Fund

Alumni Relations
alumninews - Alumni News
ar - Alumni Relations

art - Art
arts - Arts & Minds
bell - Bellarmine Museum
ov - Open Visions
qc - Quick Center
sc - Summer camps

ath - Athletics
athl - Recreation
rec - Club sports

Center for Academic Excellence
cae - Center for Academic Excellence

College of Arts & Sciences
cas_adv - CAS advisory board
ae - CAS Applied Ethics
ah - CAS Art History
as - CAS American Studies
asian - CAS Asian Studies
bio - CAS Biology
bs - CAS Black Studies
cas - College of Arts and Sciences
chem - CAS Chemistry
cls - CAS Classical Studies
com - CAS Communications
comp - CAS Computer Science
cs - CAS Catholic Studies minor
econ - CAS Economics
ed - CAS Education
eng - CAS English
env - CAS Environmental Studies
his - CAS History
hum - Humanities Institute
indiv - CAS Individually Designed Major
intl - CAS International Studies
irish - CAS Irish Studies
is - CAS Italian Studies
js - CAS Judaic Studies
lacs - CAS Latin American and Caribbean Studies
maas - CAS M.A. in American Studies
macom - CAS M.A. in Communication
math - CAS Mathematics
mfa - CAS M.F.A. in Creative Writing
mll - CAS Modern Languages and Literatures
msmath - CAS M.S. in Mathematics
mus - CAS Music
nm - CAS New Media
phil - CAS Philosophy
phys - CAS Physics
pj - CAS Peace and Justice Studies
pol - CAS Politics
pre - CAS Pre-law, health
psy - CAS Psychology
randj - CAS Romeo and Juliet
rees - CAS Russian and East European Studies
rs - CAS Religious Studies
soc - CAS Sociology
studio - CAS Studio Arts
th - CAS Theatre
vpa - CAS Visual & Performing Arts
wc - Writing Center
ws - CAS Women's Studies

Center for Faith and Public Life
cfpl - Center for Faith and Public Life

ITS (Computing & Network Services)
cns - Computing & Network Services (no longer in use)
cnsfs - Computing & Network Services Faculty support (no longer in use)
cnsst - Computing & Network Services Student Computing (no longer in use)
its - Information Technology Services
ac - Academic Computing

Center for Catholic Studies
cs - Center for Catholic Studies

div - Diversity

Dolan School of Business
acct - Accounting
bintl - DSB International Studies/International Business
bis - DSB Information Systems and Operations Management
dsb - Dolan School of Business
fin - DSB Finance
mba - DSB Master of Business Administration
mgt - DSB Management
mktg - DSB Marketing
msa - DSB MS in Accounting
msf - DSB MS in Finance
mst - DSB MS in Taxation

e - Emergency

ac - Administrative Computing
bursar - Bursar
dis - Division of Information Services
pur - Purchasing

Graduate Admission
ga - Graduate Admission
gfa - Graduate Financial Aid

green - Green Initiative

Graduate School of Education and Allied Professions
cmhc - Clinical Mental Health Counseling
elc - Early Learning Center
fs - Family Studies
gseap - Graduate School of Education and Allied Professions
kc - Koslow Center
maap - GSEAP Applied Psychology
mace - GSEAP Counselor Education
maee - GSEAP Elementary Education
maet - GSEAP Educational Technology
mamft - GSEAP Marriage & Family Therapy
masee - GSEAP Secondary Education
masp - GSEAP School Psychology
maspe - GSEAP Special Education
matesol - GSEAP TESOL, World Languages, and Bilingual Education
matf - GSEAP Teaching and Foundations in Education
msc - School Counseling

Human Resources
fte - Fachex and Tuition Exchange
hr - Human Resources

lib - Library
libcat - Library Catalogs
libdb - Library Databases
libdpt - Library Departments
libf - Library Feedback
libgd - Library Guides

Living and Learning
irc - Ignatian Residential College
ll - Living and Learning

dmc - Division of Marketing and Communications

Media Center
mc - Media Center

Office of Academic Engagement
oae - Office of Academic Engagement

Office of International Students
ois - Office of International Students

Office of Service Learning
osl - Office of Service Learning

Office of Student Engagement
ose - Office of Student Engagement

parents - Parents

mem - In Memoriam
pr - Press Release
press - Press Room
cc - Campus Currents
fn - Fairfield Now
pub - Publications

Study Abroad
sa - Study Abroad

Service Opportunities
saf - Service Opportunities at Fairfield

School of Engineering
ame - Automated Manufacturing Engineering
ce - Computer Engineering
ee - Electrical Engineering
me - Mechanical Engineering
msece - MS in Electrical & Computer Engineering
msme - MS in Mechanical Engineering
msmot - MS in Management of Technology
msse - MS in Software Engineering
se - Software Engineering
soe - School of Engineering

School of Nursing
bsrn - Nursing, RN to BSN Program
bssd - Nursing, Second Degree Program
bst - Nursing, Traditional Program
dnp - Doctor of Nursing Practice
fnp - MS in Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner Track
hm - MS in Nursing, Healthcare Management Track
na - Nursing Anesthesia program (no longer in use)
nl - MS in Nursing, Nursing Leadership
pnp - MS in Nursing, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Track
son - School of Nursing
bspt - Nursing - Part Time Program
cnl - MS in Nursing, Clinical Nurse Leader Track

Strategic Plan
strat - Strategic Plan

Campus Life
adss - Academic Disability and Support Services
cem - Conference and Event Management
ces - Conference and Event Services
cm - Campus Ministry
cml - Campus Ministry Liturgy and Worship
cmr - Campus Ministry Retreats
cmsj - Campus Ministry Social Justice
cmsv - Campus Ministry Service Program
cpc - Career Planning Center
cps - Counseling and Psychological Services
crc - Conflict Resolution Consortium
ds - Dean of Students
dsd - Office of Student Development
ehs - Environmental Health and Safety
fc - Fairfield Corps
fm - Facilities Management
fyg - First Year Guide
fye - First Year Experience
health - Health Center
intlst - International Student Services
mail - Mail Services
new - New Student Programs/Orientation
ps - Public Safety
res - Residence Life
sal - Student Activities
sd - Studeny Diversity
sg - Stag Card
sl - Student Life
trans - Transportation

University College
uc - University College

Web Features
wf - Web Features (no longer in use)