School of Nursing Room 203

School of Nursing Room 203

Due to recent complications with the technology in the School of Nursing 203 classroom, we have decided to upgrade the equipment in the room. This upgrade will take place during reading days on December 8th and 9th.

After the upgrade is complete, the new system will comprise of:

  • Dual large-screen TVs
  • Simplified controller system
  • Wireless Projection as well as the standard connections (VGA, HDMI)
  • DVD Player
  • Instructor Station


Also, please note that we have switched out the projector in the room and due to complications with the vendor that maintains the current A/V system, operation of the equipment has changed slightly. The current wall panel has the ability to switch between inputs but is not able power the projector on/off.

Please use the “Christie” remote in the classroom to do this:

  • The “On” button powers on the projector
  • The “Standby” button power off the projector

We apologize for this minor inconvenience. The new system will operate much more smoothly. Please reach out with any questions or concerns or call the classroom support number at extension x4099.

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