FairfieldNews in Cascade

FairfieldNews in Cascade

Stories must be in and approved by Thursday at Noon.

Creating A New Article:

  • Log in to cascade at fairfield.edu/cascade
  • You can create a new article from your home dashboard, select the "New Article" button (pink button) from the "Content" widget in the center column:

  • This will open up fields that you will need to create the article. 

    The article will be automatically placed in the month folder for the upcoming send. If you are creating an article for future sends, and it needs to be in a different month in the Archive, a ticket will need to be placed to move the article after it is created. 

  • Fill out the following fields as appropriate:
    • Page Name: (Cascade Field: Headline for URL)  - The URL that the article will reside on. THIS SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED ONCE THE ARTICLE IS CREATED.
    • Display Name: (Cascade Field: Name) - The name that will be displayed internally in Cascade.
    • Title: (Cascade Field: SEO Title) - The name that will appear in both search and if the article is shared on Facebook. This will often be the same as the Display Name and Headline, but it sometimes needs to be shorter for displaying in a Facebook post appropriately.
    • Teaser: (Cascade Field: SEO description) - The description that will appear in both search and if the article is shared on Facebook. This will often be the same as the Sub Headline, but it sometimes needs to be shorter for displaying in a Facebook post appropriately.
    • Keywords: (Cascade Field: SEO keywords) - Keywords for the article used in search
    • Start Date: (Cascade: NONE) - The date you want the article to start publishing. This will allow you to create articles in advance without them being published.
    • Review Date (optional): (Cascade Field: None) - This is an optional date that Cascade will use to remind you to update the article if you choose to use it. 
    • Article Group:
      • Featured Article (checkbox): (Cascade Field: NONE)  - Check this box if this is the featured story for the week. If checked, an additional field called Homepage Feature Image will open:
        • Homepage Feature Image:(Cascade Field: Homepage Feature Image)  - The larger, feature image, for the story. This needs to be 900px (w) by 500px (h). See the Uploading Images section for more details. Naming convention remains the same as in Cascade. IF THIS IS A FEATURE STORY THE ORIGINAL RESOLUTION IMAGE MUST BE SENT TO THE ENTIRE DIGITAL TEAM FOR THE EMAIL.
      • Headline: (Cascade Field: ArticleHeadline) - Headline for the article. Will often be the same as Display Name and Title
      • Sub Headline: (Cascade Field: Article Sub-Heading)  - Sub headline for the article. Will often be the same as Teaser
      • Image Group: 
        • Image: (Cascade Field: Article Image) - Main image for the article. This needs to be 600px (w) by 370px (h). See the Uploading Images section for more details. Naming convention remains the same as in Cacade. 
        • Image Alternate Text: (Cascade Field: NONE) - Alternate text for the image for web accessibility purposes. This should be descriptive of the image uploaded. See https://www2.le.ac.uk/webcentre/plone/build/basics/add-images/alt-text for more information on writing effective alternate text. As we move towards being an accessible site this is increasingly important, please make sure to fill this out appropriately.
        • Show Photo Caption (checkbox): (Cascade Field: NONE)  - Check this box if you would like to use an optional photo caption a photo caption is different from alternate text, it is the text that will appear to the reader under the photo. If checked, an additional field called Photo Caption will open:
          • Photo Caption: (Cascade Field: Photo Caption) - The photo caption that will appear under the image uploaded in the Image field.
      • Show Pull Quote (checkbox): (Cascade Field: NONE) - Check this box if you would like to have a pull quote appear to the right of the story. If checked, and additional group of fields call Pull Quote will display:
        • Quote: (Cascade Field: Pull Quote - call out) - Quote that will appear in the Pull Quote section of the article
        • Quote Source: (Cascade Field: Pull Quote - Name Person) - Name of the person or source attributed to the quote
      • Body:(Cascade Field: Article Body) - The article itself.
      • Vimeo Embed: (Cascade Fields: Video Embed Headline, Video Embed iframe) - Must only be Vimeo videos. See instructions below for details.
      • Flickr Embed: (Cascade Fields: Flickr Embed Headline, Flickr Embed iframe URL, Flickr Embed iframe img src) - See instructions below for details.
      • Event:  - (Cascade Fields: Event Headline, Event Date, Event Time, Event Location, Event Additional Details) - Fill out each box as indicated.  Check the "Add Click-Through Button" to add a link.  Multiple events can be chosen by selecting the "+" symbol in the Event header.
      • Tags: (Cascade Field: Audience) - Can select multiple audiences for a single article
  • Once you have completed all of your updates, click the "Save & Preview" button in the upper right-hand side of the page.
  • Review your article. If additional edits are needed, click "Edit" at the top of the page, otherwise click "Submit" to finish and save your article.

To access the 'news' site cascade:

  • To get to the 'news' site from the home dashboard, select "Go to Site" in the top left corner:

  • Then choose 'news' from the dropdown that appears

Uploading Images:

  • Image specifications have not changed from Cascade:
    • Article Image: 600px (w) x 370px (h)
    • Featured Story Image: 900px (w) x 500px (h)
  • If you do not have Photoshop, you can use pixlr to resize the image: https://pixlr.com/.  Make sure you are only cropping images and not stretching them. 
  • Save the image locally using the following naming convention before uploading:
    • "Issue-Date_image_description_initials" (ex: 9-18-15_image_lucas-event_ALB)  
  • Images can be uploaded when the article is created.
    • For featured articles, there are two images that need to be uploaded.
      • Make sure "Featured Article" is checked under the "Article" heading to display the Homepage Feature Image dialog box.
      • Click "Choose File"
      • At the top of the dialog box, choose "Upload"
      • PLEASE NOTE: The correct file folder must be selected BEFORE uploading your images to Cascade.
        • Under "Select a placement folder" there is folder structure diagram.
        • Click on the first folder in the diagram named "news"
        • Then select the "Images" folder by clicking on the name "Images" and NOT the radio button next to it.
        • Click on the name of the folder year the image belongs in and not the radio button next to it.
        • Click on the name of the folder month the image belongs in and not the radio button next to it.
        • Your folder structure should now read as follows:  news / Images / year / month
    • You can either drag and drop the image or browse for it on your computer in order to upload.
    • The smaller header image within each article can be uploaded the same way by clicking on "Choose File" under "Image Group"

Vimeo Embed:

  • Click on the Vimeo Embed button at the bottom of the page to add a video (MUST be a Vimeo video).
    • Each video MUST have a headline
    • Copy the entire embed code by doing the following:
      • Go to the Vimeo page with the video you would like to embed (e.g. https://vimeo.com/210499867)
      • Click on the "share" button (looks like a paper airplane)
      • Select the embed code and copy it (please copy the entire code)
    • Paste the embed code into the "Embed Code" section.

Flickr Embed:

Click on the Flickr Embed button at the bottom of the page to add an album. Scroll down for a visual reference of what a correct, completed Flickr Embed looks like.

  • Each album MUST have a headline
  • Copy the entire embed code by doing the following:
    • Go to the Flickr page with the album you would like to embed (e.g. https://www.flickr.com/photos/fairfieldu/albums/72157719055385880)
    • Click the "Share" button (looks like an arrow bending to the right, pictured and highlighted below)

    • Select the embed code and copy it to Microsoft Word or another text editor:

      (Embed code on Flickr)

      (Copy/paste the embed code into a text editor like Word. The only two links you'll need both begin with "https://", as they're referencing the photo album page and image source link, respectively.)
    • Select just the code between the quotations after the "href" tag.  DO NOT include the quotations. (e.g. https://www.flickr.com/photos/fairfieldu/albums/72157719055385880)
    • Copy and paste that code into the "Click-Through URL" box.
    • Go back to your text editor and select just the code between the quotations after the "img src" tag.  DO NOT include the quotations. (e.g, https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51133403961_5952ecae0e.jpg)
    • Copy and paste this code into the "First Image Src" box. ("Src" is "Source" truncated. We're looking for the image's source.)

Final Flickr Embed Output Visual

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