Download wēpa Print App

Download wēpa Print App

Downloading wēpa Print to Cloud Drivers

Step-by-step guide

  1. In any web browser, go to http://www.wēpanow.com
  2. In the upper right-hand corner of the page, click on “Log In” Never "Create an Account" as you already have one just by having a NetID as it can cause complications.
  3. You have two methods to log in.

    1. Enter your full Fairfield University email address (e.g. teddy.roosevelt@student.fairfield.edu) and your NetID password, then Click “Submit”

    2. Select “Fairfield University” as your school. Enter your NetID (e.g. teddy.roosevelt) and your NetID password, then Click "Submit"
  4. Once logged in click on Print Drivers, this takes you to a page from where you can download wepa software for your computer

  5. Select the correct version for your operating system and download. If you do not know the version of your operating system, see below:
    1. For Mac OS X:Find the OS X version and build number on your Mac - Apple Support
    2. For Windows: Which Windows operating system am I running? - Windows Help

  6. You will then be able to install the cloud drivers on your computer to print directly to wēpa.

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Contact the ITS Help Desk in the Library Room 230 or at (203) 254-4069 for assistance.