my.Fairfield 2.0 Publisher Information:

my.Fairfield 2.0 Publisher Information:

How To Create A Task

How to Create a Task Announcement

How to Request a Task be 'Featured' on the Main Page

Submit a ticket (itshelpdesk.fairfield.edu) with the following information:

  1. Name of Task to be featured:
  2. Start and End Date Task should be present in Featured Tasks 
  3. Requests will only be accepted/processed if submitted by a member of the publisher team that created the task

Global Announcements

How to Request a Global Announcement on the Main Page

Submit a ticket (itshelpdesk.fairfield.edu) with the following information:

  1. Name of announcement
  2. Text of announcement
  3. Start and End Date of the global announcement 
  4. Specify the population(s) to receive the announcement (Faculty, Staff, Student). 
  5. Requests will only be accepted/processed if submitted by a someone with a publisher role  

For further assistance, please visit the ITS4U Help Desk located in NYS 215 or call 203-254-4069 during business hours.

Hours can be found here: ITS4U Help Desk Hours of Operation

Related content

Contact the ITS Help Desk in the Library Room 230 or at (203) 254-4069 for assistance.