NetID Claim Instructions
Overview : A Fairfield University NetID is a username/password combination providing access to on/offline resources (e.g. my.Fairfield, Email, Desktop Computers).
Claiming your NetID involves three (3) required steps:
Verifying/validating your identity (Fairfield issued ID number is required)
- Responding to the 5 challenge questions
Creating a Password
Important Information :
The NetID claim process need only be completed once. Once claimed, your NetID is yours indefinitely, provided you maintain good standing with the university.
NetID passwords expire every four (4) months, and can be changed at any time.
Your NetID name cannot be changed unless:
You have a legal name change documented by either Human Resources (for employees) or the Office of the Registrar (for students)
Your automatically generated NetID is inadvertently offensive
Claiming NetID Instructions
- Prepare: During the claim process, you will need the following information, as it exists in the University database:
- Legal first name
- Legal last name
- Your date of birth
- Your Fairfield ID# (on your Stag Card, as provided to employees by Human Resources, or via email to students from the University)
- The first five digits of your residential postal/zip code (including any spaces). If your residence does not have a postal/zip code, you will use five zeros (00000) when filling out that prompt.
Do NOT use your browser's back button during the claim process as it will disrupt the workflow, causing significant delays in accessing resource. if you do wish to start over, please use the CANCEL button.
- Go to and click on the button towards the bottom of the page.
- Enter your first name, last name, postal/zip code, date of birth in this format (mm-dd-yyyy) and your eight (8) digit Fairfield ID number. Click the button when all fields have been entered
Post Claiming:
After you have clicked the button, your information will be checked in our system. If it matches, you will see a claim confirmation page.
Your newly claimed NetID will be displayed at the top of this page. Please make note of it.
After reading the Acceptable Use Policy, check the box to acknowledge this. Then, click the ‘ Continue ’ button.
- NetID Security : Password and Challenge Questions: After acknowledging the Acceptable Use Policy you will be see the message below indicating the need to complete the security component of your NetID which includes password creation and Challenge Question responses.
- Password
- Following the rules below you can create your own password by entering it in the ‘New Password’ field.
- You can also have our system auto-generate a strong password for you by clicking on the ‘Auto-generate a new password’ link.
- Make sure to enter in your password again in the ‘Confirm Password’ field.
- Please use the strongest password possible as noted by our system when entering it.
- When complete click the ‘Change Password’ button
- If your password meets our requirements you will see the following message: Your Password has been changed successfully
- Click on the ‘Continue’ button to set up your Challenge Question responses.
- Password
- Challenge Question Responses – Used when a password is forgotten
- While three responses to the Challenge Questions is the minimum allowed, it is strongly suggested you provide at least five (5).
- You may also provide your own unique question/response as well.
After you have entered your responses, click ‘Save Responses’ button.
- Remember these responses. Once saved, they will never be visible to anyone (including you). If you do forget them, you will have to redo the Setup Challenge Question process.
- Prior to saving, click on the ‘Show Responses’ button to confirm you are satisfied with your responses.
- Once you have confirmed your five (5) or more responses click on the ‘Save Responses’ button.
After clicking the ‘Save Responses’ button you should receive the follow confirmation message:
Your challenge questions and answers have been successfully saved. If you ever forget your password, you can use the answers to these questions to reset your password.
- Final Steps – Log Out
- Once you have completed claiming your NetID, created a password, and provided challenge question responses there is nothing else to do but
and start using your NetID (and newly minted password) to start accessing Fairfield University resources.
- You are now able to use your NetID to log into a variety of Fairfield University online systems. Please remember that you will be required to change your password every 4 months or sooner and that NetID passwords should never be shared.
- Once you have completed claiming your NetID, created a password, and provided challenge question responses there is nothing else to do but
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