Input Final Grades in Faculty Self-Service via my.Fairfield
How-To Find the Grades Submission Page
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click on the the Faculty Self-Service Tile to launch the website:
Follow the instructions below to submit grades.
Enter Final Grades
Select Final Grades from the Faculty Services tab.
Select the Term the course was offered for which you will be entering grades.
Select the Course for which you are entering grades from the drop down arrow choices.
Use the drop-down boxes to select and enter a grade for each student.
Your students will come up alphabetically in groups of 25. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen to move from one 25-student group to another.
You MUST click the SUBMIT button on the bottom of each screen to enter each page of grades. (If you do not do this, the grades will not be saved to the file that will be transferred by a process, grade-roll, the Registrar’s office runs to apply the grade to the Student’s permanent record in the University’s Banner database.)
There is a 30-minute time limit on each screen. This means that if there is no activity on the screen for 30 minutes, you will automatically be logged off and you will lose the work you have entered. This is not a problem; you can log back in and continue your work. You will need to log back into the system.
Grades are “rolled”, i.e., posted by the registrar, each morning at 9 a.m. as part of the daily end-of full semester processes in the Registrar’s office. (For summer and inter-sessions courses grade-roll process times vary, details may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office.) Between the time you enter grades and the time the grade roll process is run by the Registrar’s office, you are able to make grade changes. Note: After a grade has been rolled, you will need to complete a “Change of Grade” form to make changes. There is a box on your web grade roster that indicates whether or not a grade has been rolled.
If you would like to print a copy of your completed grade roster, choose the Print icon at the top of the screen. You need to make sure you have not passed the 30 minute time-out if you want to print. Otherwise, log off and log back in to print.
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