Advisors - Emailing Students through Banner Self-Service

Advisors - Emailing Students through Banner Self-Service

Advisors - Emailing Students through Banner Self-Service

1. Faculty can only email their students who are in their classes. Advisors can only email their own advisees. Any requests for expanded access go to Bob Russo/Registrar's Office.

2. When faculty or advisors email students through Banner Self-Service, it will open the default email client for the computer. Therefore, this will not work on a tablet or smartphone because these devices do not have a default email program on them. Home computers are set with a default email client that is generally not a Fairfield.edu email, so it's best for emails to be sent from a work computer as Outlook is already configured. Outlook Web App (OWA) is what's typically used from home, but it's not configured to be the default email client.

3. How-To set Outlook to the default email client for home computers. Outlook is already the default email client on University computers.

• Go to Start>Control Panel>Programs>Default Programs>Set Your Default Programs.
• Choose your mail program (ie. Outlook, Live, etc) as the default for your email client.

4. Banner uses commas (not semi-colons) to separate email addresses and sometimes, Outlook is not configured to handle commas by default. This results in an error message similar to "address not found". Configure Outlook to accept commas to separate email addresses:

Make Outlook Allow Commas to Separate Multiple Email Recipients

To have Outlook see commas as separating multiple email recipients:
1. In Outlook, click the File tab then Options.
2. In the Outlook Options click on Mail.
3. Under Send Messages, click the check box for ‘Commas can be used to separate multiple recipients’.
4. Click OK.
*Instructions can also be found on the wiki: https://wiki.fairfield.edu:8443/x/SYd1AQ

5. Please make sure they are using Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari and that pop-up blocker is off. We have found that Chrome causes problems for many when attempting to email students through Banner Self-Service.
For assistance, please contact the ITS4U Help Desk via phone, email, walk-in, or the ticketing system at https://www.fairfield.edu/its/its4uhelpdesk/

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Contact the ITS Help Desk in the Library Room 230 or at (203) 254-4069 for assistance.