

Edpuzzle is a tool for inserting questions and comments into web videos. It’s useful for informal assessment on video content that students view on their own time. Edpuzzle allows you to crop, annotate, and add questions to videos from YouTube, Khan Academy, Vimeo, and other popular video platforms. It’s also free to use!

While Fairfield University licenses Kaltura which also has a video Quiz feature, Kaltura is currently limited to media in Kaltura and YouTube. Edpuzzle is ideal for creating informal video assessments with other video platforms.

Get Started with Edpuzzle


Visit https://edpuzzle.com to get started. Edpuzzle is not tied to Fairfield’s Net ID system.

  • Instructors: If you haven't created an account, sign up with a Teacher account.

  • Students: If you haven't created an account and you are joining as a participant/learner, sign up with a Student account. Please note that the following instructors are geared towards instructors, but students can create content as well.

It is highly recommended that you take the quick-and-easy interactive tour that appears upon your first login. To take the tour again, please visit https://edpuzzle.com/welcome.

Find and Prepare a Video

  1. Start with the Search page.*

  2. Entering a term into the search bar will allow you to filter Public results by database using the panel on the left-hand side. You may:

    • Choose a video found using the search.

    • Bypass the search by entering a copied YouTube or Vimeo URL into the search bar.

    • Upload a video from your own computer.

    • Ignore the Search and choose My Content to choose one of your existing EDpuzzles instead.

EDpuzzle recommends keeping videos to a maximum of 7-minutes to effectively maintain student attention and help instill comprehension.


Cropping and Cutting the Video

The first change you can make to your selected video is its length.

  1. Select the Video

  2. Choose Edit and Create Your Own Version above the video

  3. Drag and drop the ends of the timeline to adjust the start and stop times of the video. You can use cut out sections of the video.

Add VoiceOver

Voiceover is now blocked to comply with YouTube's Terms of Service. Upload your own video to record voiceover.


This tab allows you to replace a video’s audio with your own narration by clicking the microphone icon. Your narration must be recorded in one take via your computer's microphone.

Add Questions and Notes

The video will pause whenever a question or note is added.

  • Multiple-choice question: Multiple choice questions are automatically graded by Edpuzzle. You can assign one or more correct answers to any multiple-choice question

  • Open-ended question: Instructors must manually review and grade open-ended questions in Edpuzzle. Students can reply with text, links, image, math equation, or even audio recording if it's enabled.

  • Note: Notes are ideal for creating reflection points in a video or adding context to the lesson. Notes can be text, links, images, math equations, or even audio recordings.

Deploy Your Edpuzzle Video

When your Edpuzzle is ready, click Finish on the top-right of the edit screen.

Assign to a Class

If you have classes in Edpuzzle already, you can select from the list. Otherwise, Create a Class.

  • Start Date: This determines when others can view the video

  • Due Date: If the video quiz is completed after the due date, it will be flagged in Edpuzzle's grade center

  • Prevent Skipping: Keeps students from fast-forwarding videos during their first viewing

  • Turn on CCs: Enables AI generated closed captions

Once you're ready, select Assign.

Share a Preview

You can share a preview of the assignment, but grades will not be calculated.

Managing EDpuzzle Classes

From EDpuzzle’s homepage, click My Classes to manage your assignments and students.

  • Choose the Class you’d like to work with from the left-hand panel.

  • Click Invite students to display a unique class code and URL. Provide either one to the students you’d like to enroll in the class.

Note: Students who are first-time users are responsible for creating EDpuzzle Student Accounts. Make them aware that they should use their real names and proper class code when doing so.

From the My Classes page, click an EDpuzzle assignment’s Progress button to display a list of students, their assignment progress, and their grades.

  • You may switch to Questions view to sort results by question.

  • Click the light-blue Grade button to assign manual grades to any free-response questions you included in the EDpuzzle.

  • Click Export to download an offline copy of the Gradebook.

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Contact the ITS Help Desk in the Library Room 230 or at (203) 254-4069 for assistance.