Kaltura and Blackboard Faculty Features

Kaltura and Blackboard Faculty Features

All students, faculty, and staff have access to Kaltura My Media and Kaltura MediaSpace. This page covers more of the tools available to faculty from within their Blackboard course, such as video analytics and video quizzes.


Kaltura My Media

Kaltura My Media is your personal storage repository. You can add, organize, and remove video, audio, and image files while preparing the content for students. When you're ready, you can then add the content to the course so all students and other course members have access.

Kaltura Media Gallery

Kaltura Media Gallery is your course's shared media repository. You can use the Media Gallery to host multiple videos for students to view and use to learn. You can also add videos from the Media Gallery directly to the Course Content page so students don't have to search for relevant content.

Kaltura Video Quiz

Kaltura Video Quiz is a video that asks the viewer questions as they watch. The video continues playing after the viewer answers the question.

Upload and Embed Videos in Your Course

Through the Kaltura Embed tool, you can record, upload, create video quizzes, and embed videos into your Blackboard course content areas.

Media that has been inactive, not been viewed, for 3 years will be marked for removal. After 4 years of inactivity, the entire record will be removed.

If you follow the steps below under Analytics, you can see which students (if any) are watching the videos in your course and how many are watching until the end.

Embedding Existing Kaltura Videos in Ultra Course View

  1. Follow the steps on Adding LTIs from the Content Market in Blackboard Ultra to find and connect to Kaltura Embed from the list of LTIs.

  2. The Kaltura Embed tool will launch.

  3. Select the repository you want to search

    1. My Media is all media that you have personally uploaded and own.

    2. Media Gallery are videos that have been published to the course, though not necessarily embedded anywhere.

    3. Shared Repository includes all feature films that have been uploaded to Kaltura and are accessible to all faculty to use in their courses.

    4. Media Gallery Playlists are playlists that you have created for this course.

  4. Select Embed to the right of the chosen video from your Kaltura My Media.

If the feature film you seek isn't in the Shared Repository, try the Library database for streaming options. You may also submit a request for streaming video to have the film uploaded to Kaltura’s Shared Repository, but be aware that many newer DVDs are coded for personal-use only and we may not be able to fulfill your request.

Note that videos are sorts by Creation Date - Descending, or Most Recent. You can search by name or change the sort by filter.

Upload New Videos to Kaltura My Media

  1. Once you’ve launched the Kaltura Embed tool, select Add New in the top right.

  2. Select the type of new content you want to add.


    1. Media Upload: Upload a video file from your computer.

      1. On the next screen you will be able to customize the video details. Provide a descriptive title. This will be useful later on if you re-use the video in another class or for a video quiz.

    2. Express Capture: Record a video using your device’s built-in camera. This is a great option for course welcome videos or module overviews.

      1. After allowing your computer to use your camera and microphone, record you video. You can play it back, record again, or choose to Use This video.

      2. On the next screen you will be able to customize the video details. Provide a descriptive title. This will be useful later on if you re-use the video in another class.

    3. YouTube: Pull in a video from YouTube. The benefit of using Kaltura for YouTube videos is the ability to track video analytics as well as create a Video Quiz.

    4. Video Quiz: Create a video quiz using a video that has already been added to your My Media. More details on Video quizzes can be found later on this page.

  3. Select Submit.

If you embed the video from the Course Content page, the video will display as a link. Students can click the link and open the video player in a new layer.

If you embed the video from a text editor, such as one on a Document or in a Discussion Board, the video will be embedded on the page. You can then add text or other media surrounding the text.

Video Quizzes

Video quizzes can provide students with an opportunity to self-assess their learning and ensure that they are engaging with the course videos rather than passively watching or listening to the material. Quizzes are graded based on completion.

Step 1: Prepare a Video

Before you can create a video quiz, the video must exist within your Kaltura My Media space and any edits to the original video should be done before starting the quiz editing process.

To edit a video, including cropping it, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Kaltura My Media

  2. Locate the video you want to edit, and choose the Edit icon to the right of the video title.

  3. On this next screen you can edit the video metadata. For more advanced editing, select the Launch Editor button to the right of the video player.
    Note: YouTube videos cannot currently be trimmed using Kaltura. YouTube Video quizzes also cannot be copied at this time, so any YouTube video quizzes would need to be recreated for each course placement.

  4. Use the scrub bar to indicate where you want to split/trim the clips.

  5. Once you believe your video is ready to build your quiz, you must save it.
    Before saving any changes, decide you want to save or save a copy. Save will make permanent changes to the original video, and Save a Copy will create a copy of the video and leave the original in tact.
    If you saved a copy and are adding the quiz over the copied clip, then you must exit the editor and return to your Kaltura My Media page to open the editor for the new clip. Otherwise, you can click on the Quiz button in the editor to begin.

Step 2: Option 1 - Create the Video Quiz

Note: If you are creating a Video Quiz for a YouTube video, you must first add the YouTube Video to your My Media.

  1. Select Add New in the top right; then select Video Quiz

  2. Choose Select to the right of the media you will use for this Video Quiz

  3. In the video editor, select Quiz if it is not already selected (the top button on the left side menu).

  4. Set quiz settings

    1. Details - feel free to edit these settings

    2. Name of Quiz/Assignment

    3. Show Welcome Page. If left on, a welcome message will appear before the Video begins.

    4. Allow Download of Questions List: Students can download the questions before beginning the video. This is always on by default.

    5. Instructions: On or Off - cannot be customized

    6. Scores

      1. Show Scores / Do Not Show Scores: This displays the score within the video player after the student has completed the Video Quiz.

      2. Include Answers: If checked, students can see which questions they got right or wrong.

    7. Experience

      1. Allow Answers Change: Allow viewers to change their answers before submitting the quiz.

      2. Allow Skip / Do Not Allow Skip: Prevents users from continuing the video until they have answered the questions. This is applied to all questions in the video.

  5. Add quiz questions

    1. Play the video and pause when you are ready to add a question at that point. Alternatively, you can use the scrub bar at the bottom of the Video Quiz editor to quickly navigate to the point in the video you want to add a question.

    2. Choose Add Question

      • Multiple Choice

        • Enter the question text

        • Enter the answers. The first answer field is always the correct answer.

        • Add up to 4 possible answers; only one answer can be correct

        • Use the Shuffle icon in the top left to shuffle answer options

      • True/False

        • Enter the question text

        • Select the green check mark to the right of the answer to toggle the correct answer between true and false

      • Reflection Point

        • Add a written comment asking your students to observe what’s coming up, or reflect on what they just read. Students do not respond to Reflection Points.

      • Open-Ended Question

        • Enter the question text.

        • Students respond with a sentence or two.

      • Question Feedback/Hints

        • Hint: Students can view the hint before answering the question. When creating/editing questions, click the icon in the top right to add a Hint or Question Feedback

        • Question Feedback: Students will be able to view your feedback after completing and submitting the quiz.

  6. Select Preview above the video player to preview how the quiz experience will be for students.

  7. Select Done above the video player to save your video. This will create a new content item in your Kaltura My Media.

  8. Choose Go to Media Page

  9. Select Actions, then choose Publish from the menu.

  10. Select the checkbox to the left of any course or organization you wish to publish this video quiz to.
    Note: This does NOT embed the video in your course. This only adds it to the Media Gallery so that you can view course specific analytics.

  11. Choose Save at the bottom of the page.

IMPORTANT: To obtain analytics for your new course without the data from previous semesters, we recommend that you create copies of your Kaltura video quizzes for your new course.

Step 2: Option 2 - Editing an Existing Video Quiz

To return to a video quiz and edit the questions, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to Kaltura My Media

  2. Locate the video quiz and select the pencil icon to the right of the video quiz

  3. Select Launch Editor

Step 3: Embedding a Video Quiz in Ultra Course View

  1. Follow the steps on Adding LTIs from the Content Market in Blackboard Ultra to find and connect to Kaltura Embed from the list of LTIs.

  2. Find the video quiz (hint: Use the Filters to search for Quizzes) and choose Embed.

  3. A link to the video quiz will automatically be added to your course, and a graded item will be added to the grade book.

  4. To edit the assessment options, next to the video title (either in course content or the grade book), click the More Options (…) tool and select Edit.

  5. Set the visibility, due date, grading schema and points, and grade book category.


Copying a Kaltura Video Quiz for a New Course

To obtain analytics for your new course without the data from previous semesters, we recommend that you create copies of your Kaltura video quizzes for your new course.

Video quizzes made from YouTube videos cannot be copied at this time. You will need to recreate the video quiz by following the steps above to Create a Video Quiz.

  1. Open Kaltura My Media from the Course Content > Content Market or the Base Navigation Tools page.

  2. Find the Kaltura Video quiz you wish to copy.

  3. Click the Actions drop down menu and select Launch Editor.

  4. Click the Video Editor icon.

    1. A Warning message may appear. Click the red OK button.

  5. Click the Save a Copy button on the top corner.

  6. Rename the new media. To avoid confusion, it is important to differentiate the new media from the original. We recommend including the current term in the title. However, create a naming convention that works for you.

    1. For example: Authentic Assessments - Fall 2020 – Quiz”

  7. Click the Create button.


Kaltura has the ability to display information about how students are interacting with your course, called Analytics. This information can be helpful in determining which videos students find the most useful and engaging, and which may require revision.

You can view analytics for the videos in a specific course from the Kaltura Media Gallery tool, found in the Content Market.

Accessing Course Media Analytics

To access analytics for all Kaltura videos in a specific course, you will use the Media Gallery Course Tool, which can be accessed by following these steps.

  1. Open the Course and navigate to the Media Gallery.

  2. Under Details and Actions, select View Course and Institution Tools

    1. Select Kaltura Media Gallery

  3. Select the Channel Actions button in the top right, then choose the Analytics from the menu.

Using Course Media Analytics and Video Quiz Results

Course Media Analytics displays an overview of all course media data.

  • Player Impressions: The number of times a content area with a video player on it was loaded, not necessarily the number of times the video has been played.

  • Plays: The number of times students and other instructors in the course have played a video.

  • Unique Viewers: The number of unique users who have viewed the videos. If a student is struggling in your course, it can be useful to see if they are watching the course videos and if they are, when they drop off and stop watching them.

  • Minutes Viewed: the total number of minutes played by all users combined in the course.

  • Contributors: The number of users in the course who have contributed to the media gallery. Unless there are multiple instructors in your course there will most likely only ever be 1 contributor.

View Video Specific Analytics

  1. Scroll down to Category Performance Over Time. Choose View Details at the bottom of this section.

  2. Select Users and choose Entries from the drop down menu.

  3. To view details analytics of the entry, select the video name.

Remember that Player Impressions is the number of times a user has loaded a content area containing a video, and Plays in the number of times they actually hit “play”. Total Completion will show you how much of the video the student watched before stopping it.

View Video Quiz Results

Instructors may view analytics about the quiz and the users that submitted them.

  1. Locate your video quiz and click on the quiz title to open.

  2. This will take you to a view screen. Click the Actions button on the bottom right-hand corner.

  3. This will open a menu. Select Analytics.

  4. This will bring you to the Analytics Dashboard for your video quiz.

    1. This includes a general overview of your video quiz, including the average score, number of visits, the number of times the video quiz was played, the view drop off, and the average view times. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours to update the general metrics.

    2. This displays all questions/annotations in the Quiz. Clicking on the quiz question will allow you to view your students’ responses.

    3. Export to CSV and Printable version only export the questions, not the student responses.

    4. This is a list of all students who have completed the quiz, the number of attempts, and their final score.

    5. Video Analytics

    6. Quiz Questions

    7. Quiz Users

Access Overall Video Analytics

You can also access the analytics for individual videos outside the course context by using the Kaltura My Media module on the Tools link in the Blackboard base navigation (Blackboard landing page). To access the analytics page for a video follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Kaltura My Media. The first time you open Kaltura My Media, you will need to allow the LTI connection.

  2. Find the video you wish to analyze and select the Analytics button to the right of the video title to open the analytics page for that video.

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Contact the ITS Help Desk in the Library Room 230 or at (203) 254-4069 for assistance.