Adding Email As Delegate

Adding Email As Delegate

Access your mailbox account.

1. In your email, click the File tab.

Outlook File tab

2. In the Info section, select Account Settings.

Account Information screen
  1. Click the Account Settings drop-down.
  2. Click Account Settings....

3. Select the email account that has been given delegate access, then click Change...

Email accounts

Add the additional mailbox.

4. In the Change Account window, click More Settings...

Change Account

NOTE:  Ensure the Offline Settings box is checked for Use Cached Exchange Mode.

5. In the Microsoft Exchange window, click the Advanced tab to add any additional mailboxes.

Microsoft Exchange advanced tab


  1. Select the Advanced tab.
  2. Click Add.... From the Outlook directory, type the name of the mailbox you (the delegate) have been given permission to manage.
  3. Click Apply > then click OK.

6. Click Next.

Change Account server settings

7. Congratulations!!! The mailbox has been added, click Finish.

Change Account finished

8. Close Account Settings window, click Close.

Email accounts finished

9. Click the account name in your list of mailboxes to access the mailbox you have been granted access to.

List of mailboxes

Remember:  A delegate will only have permission to access the folders they are granted access to.

Account access error

If you can’t expand the mailbox, you haven’t be granted the correct permissions by the mailbox owner.  Contact the mailbox owner.

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Contact the ITS Help Desk in the Library Room 230 or at (203) 254-4069 for assistance.