Adding Publisher and other Third Party Tools from the Content Market in Blackboard Ultra

Adding Publisher and other Third Party Tools from the Content Market in Blackboard Ultra

Academic Computing has connect several learning tools such as LinkedIn Learning, McGraw Hill, and many more. We encourage you to explore the options by opening Content Market. If you are searching for a specific integration, please note that they are listed alphabetically.

Adding Content Market tools from the Course Content Page

  1. On the Course Content page within your Ultra course, choose the Add Content  button wherever you would like to add the LTI.

  2. Select Content Market from the drop down menu.

  3. Search for the tool you want to connect. The tools are listed alphabetically.

  4. Select the Add icon in the bottom right corner of the tile to connect the tool to your course.

  5. Follow the steps for the specific tool to finish setting up your LTI. Instructions for a few tools are provided in this Wiki, linked at the bottom of this page. Otherwise, consult your tool provider’s documentation.

In some cases, you will not see the option to add a connection to your course. This may be because the tool offers instructor-only functions, like the Accessibility Report which provides instructors with a detailed report on their course material accessibility score, or publisher content where you must build out the course on the publisher side and “push” the links to Blackboard. Each tool has unique instructions for setting up and connecting to the course, but in most cases you will use the Add button to make the connection.

Institution Tools with the add icon circled for one of the tools, Aktiv.

Adding Content Market tools from a Document or other Text Editor

You can access the content market from any text editor in your Blackboard Ultra course. This means that you could connect to a Content Market tool from a discussion board, a document, or even an announcement!

  1. In any text editor within your Ultra course, choose the Add Content  button from the menu.

  2. Select Content Market from the drop down menu.

  3. Search for the tool you want to connect. The tools are listed alphabetically.

  4. Select the Add icon in the bottom right corner of the tile to connect the tool to your course.

  5. Follow the steps for the specific tool to finish setting up your LTI. Instructions for a few tools are provided in this Wiki, linked at the bottom of this page. Otherwise, consult your tool provider’s documentation.

You’ll notice that the list of tools in the Content Market is much smaller when accessed from a text editor. These are tools that can be embedded in a text editor, and are generally tools that enhance the content and learning experience in a way that integrates well with written text.

Current LTIs and User Guides

Below are links to the user guides from various publishers/ tools on how to build a connection between your Blackboard course and their systems.

If you would like to request a new LTI be added, please email academiccomputing@fairfield.edu the name of the tool or publisher and any supporting documentation if available.



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Aktiv Learning

Aktiv Learning Instructor Resources








Hawkes Learning

  1. As an instructor in Blackboard, choose Courses.

  2. Select your course and choose Content.

  1. Select Add Content and Content Market.

  1. Under Institution Tools, select the "+" to add the Hawkes Learning placement.

  1. The Hawkes Learning link will be placed in your course "Course Content" area. 

How to Link a Hawkes Section to a Blackboard Course

  1. As an instructor in Blackboard, open your course, then open the Hawkes Learning Sync Tool.

  1. Sign in using your Hawkes Teach account email and password.

  2. Select the Hawkes course that matches the Blackboard course you are working in, your name as the Instructor, and the corresponding Hawkes section to link to.

  • Note: In most cases, you should only select one Hawkes section to link to a single Blackboard course.

  1. Select Continue.



Harmonize Faculty Features

Harmonize Student Guide

Video Streaming


Kaltura and Blackboard

Kaltura and Blackboard Faculty Features

Kaltura and Blackboard Student Features


Lingro Learning

When you add the Lingro Learning LTI link to your course, students can click on the link and will be prompted to make an account if they have not done so already. Passwords are optional.

After enrolling in the course, they will be prompted to enter an access code which they should have received after purchasing the courseware.

Option 1: Simple Connector

  1. Follow the steps above to open Content Market.

  2. Find and Select Lingro Learning

  3. Make the link visible to students

  4. To track grading in Blackboard, you can create columns in the grade book for each unit and manually enter the grades as each unit is completed.

Option 2: Gradebook Sync

  1. Open your Lingro Learning Course and go to Instructor Tools > Course Set Up.

  2. Find the LTI Details and copy the LTI 1.3 Launch URL.

  3. On Blackboard, go to the Course Content page within your Ultra course, choose the Add Content  button wherever you would like to add the LTI.

  4. Select Create from the drop down menu.

  5. Select Teaching Tools with LTI connection

  6. Enter Lingro Learning for the name

  7. Paste the Launch URL copied in Step 2

  8. Optional: Check Grade Sync to create a single grade book column for all of the Lingro Learning activities.

  9. Save.

  10. Open Lingro Learning and go to Instructor Tools > Gradebook Sync and select the columns you want to sync up.


LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning and Blackboard



  1. Follow the steps on Adding Publisher and other Third Party Tools from the Content Market in Blackboard Ultra to open the Content Market

  2. Find and Select Macmillan LTI Advantage Content

  3. Select Connect with Achieve

  4. After clicking Connect with Achieve, you’ll be prompted to enter the first name, last name, and e-mail address associated with your Macmillan account and click Submit

  5. On the Available course page you’ll see a list of all your available courses. Click the green Associate button next to the course you want to link to your Blackboard Ultra course.

  6. Note: If you have no courses listed in the table to associate, or you do not see your specific course available in the list, see this LMS Troubleshooting guide.

  7. Click Yes, Associate this Course.

  8. Click Back to Blackboard or simply close the browser tab to return to your Blackboard Ultra course.

  9. Rather than displaying the Connect with... options for each Macmillan product as it did before, the Course Tools page will now display a link to your Macmillan course page and the various Support Tools included with the integration.



MyBusiness Course



McGraw Hill

McGraw Hill


Oxford Learning

Oxford Learning Link




Instructor Support



Perusall for Faculty



Follow the steps above to add Piazza to your course.

Piazza Support






Sage Vantage











VHL Central

VHL Central


Vista Higher Learning

Vista Higher Learning


Wiley Plus

  1. Follow the steps above to open Content Market.

  2. You should see Wiley Assignments, Wiley Resources, and Wiley Course Resources.

  3. Launching either tool will take you to the pairing screen in WileyPLUS, if you receive an error or the page does not launch make sure your API registration has been completed and your LTI and Placements are properly configured.


W.W. Norton

W.W. Norton



  1. Follow the steps above to open Content Market.

  2. Find "zyBooks" in the list and hover over the "+" button in the lower corner.  

    Common error: A common mistake is to click on "zyBooks" or the zyBooks card itself, instead of the "+" sign. Be sure to click on the "+" sign button.

  3. This will add a zyBooks item to the course content.

    It is very important to EDIT the LMS settings for the placement link BEFORE connecting it to a zyBook assignment! Otherwise, grades will not pass back.

    To do so, click the three dots (...) to the right of the newly created zyBook placement link, it is usually named "zyBooks." Again do not click the link yet!

  4. The following Blackboard Ultra properties will open.

  • Change the placement link name to be the new assignment name.

  • Change the grade using to Points and a non-zero points value or Percentage

  • Set the Due date.

  1. We also recommend renaming the link before configuring it. To do so, hover over the name and click the "Pencil" icon.  

  1. Click the Save button to save new settings for the placement link in Blackboard Ultra.

Configure the link to a zyBook assignment



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